Concorso preparation for teachers
We help you pass your concorso AB24, AB25 and BB02 with step-by-step courses designed by experts
Are you looking for...
a preparation course fully in English?
24/7 access to study in your own time?
helpful summaries of the main topics of the concorso programme?
interesting videos, audios and texts to guide you and keep you engaged?
a reliable team to guide you and take the stress out of the concorso?
Studying for the concorso can be many things.
It can be long. The programma concorsuale seems endless and you feel like you are never truly going to finish it.
It can be confusing. You're not sure where to find the reliable information you need and what to prioritise.
It can be time-consuming. Between work and family commitments, the time is very little and you don't want to waste it looking for information all over manuals and the internet.
It can be lonely. You study and you study, but you don't have anyone competent supporting you and answering your questions.
And finally, it can feel pointless: why are you studying all this stuff you won't need in your teaching job?
But it doesn't have to be that way.
Hi, I'm Chiara Bruzzano.
I founded LanguagEd in 2020 because I was tired of seeing intelligent, dedicated teachers needlessly stress out preparing for the concorso.
Passing the concorso mostly comes down to one thing: understanding and applying good language pedagogy.
Having spent the last 12 years doing research and training teachers for organisations such as the British Council, Oxford University Press, Trinity College London, as well as schools and universities, I know what good language pedagogy is.
That's why I know that preparing for the concorso doesn't have to be so stressful.
You just need someone who can summarise what you need to know in an effective and memorable way.
You need structured, step-by-step courses that take you through what you need to know.
You need 24 hour access, so that you can study whenever you have time in your schedule.
You need to read and listen to good, nay, great, English, because the concorso is in English.
And you need someone who will answer your questions, whether you're more or an expert or a newbie, and who will do it in a friendly and supportive way.
That's what the LanguagEd courses and team can do for you.
How we can help you prepare for the next written exam:
Concorso docenti: Preparazione prova scritta per tutte le classi di concorso
CoursePreparati a superare la prova scritta del concorso docenti con il video-corso di preparazione LanguagEd: video-lezioni guidate, quiz e tutto il supporto di cui hai bisogno
Concorso docenti AB24-25: Corso di preparazione prova scritta e orale
CoursePrepare to pass the concorso straordinario ter with LanguagEd's video course, featuring video lessons, multiple choice quizzes, slides and expert support.
Thousands of teachers have passed their concorso with us
But don't take our word for it...
Thanks LanguagED!
Jane Stewart
I did both the 'language teaching methodology' and 'designing activities and lessons' courses before my concorso in October 2020 and highly recommend both of...
Read MoreI did both the 'language teaching methodology' and 'designing activities and lessons' courses before my concorso in October 2020 and highly recommend both of them. The courses are brilliant and engaging with helpful links to additional resources which are useful for both the theory and practice of English language teaching. I found both courses extremely relevant for the concorso, great for professional development and useful for the classroom. I was over the moon when I passed the concorso and believe this was largely thanks to the invaluable input of LanguagED. I can't wait to get stuck into the 'multiple choice quizzes' course in order to refresh and consolidate what I've already learned.
Read LessJust great!
daniela moffa
Ho impiegato mesi a raccogliere materiale sparso su internet e a comprare libri vari senza risultati a mio parere soddisfacenti. Questo corso è esattamente q...
Read MoreHo impiegato mesi a raccogliere materiale sparso su internet e a comprare libri vari senza risultati a mio parere soddisfacenti. Questo corso è esattamente quello che cercavo: è perfetto sia per affrontare il concorso sia per migliorarmi come insegnante di lingua. In particolare, mi ha colpito per l'organizzazione del materiale, che è eccellente, e la qualità delle video-lezioni, che incuriosiscono e riescono a tenere alta l'attenzione .
Paola Mammi
I bought this course to take the concorso straordinario and I found out it covers all the topic I needed in a very interesting way. It's full of resources. I...
Read MoreI bought this course to take the concorso straordinario and I found out it covers all the topic I needed in a very interesting way. It's full of resources. I strongly recommend it to all my ELT colleagues.
Read LessAn inspirational course
Sabrina Perini
Thanks to this course I've learned many new tips about activities to do in the classroom and I've discovered so many websites and blogs to improve my knowled...
Read MoreThanks to this course I've learned many new tips about activities to do in the classroom and I've discovered so many websites and blogs to improve my knowledge of English Language Teaching.
Read LessConcorso straordinario passato con 72/80
anna favaretto
Grazie grazie e ancora grazie! senza di voi non sarei mai riuscita a passare il concorso straordinario di ottobre scorso. Mi avete dato la possibilità di acc...
Read MoreGrazie grazie e ancora grazie! senza di voi non sarei mai riuscita a passare il concorso straordinario di ottobre scorso. Mi avete dato la possibilità di accedere a una serie di materiali che altrimenti da sola avrei fatto molta fatica a reperire. Ho studiato quasi esclusivamente dai vostri materiali e ritengo che siano stati la carta vincente!!! vi ringrazio ancora tantissimo!
Letizia Pantalloni
Trovo il corso ben organizzato, gli argomenti fin qui svolti sono spiegati con chiarezza, vi sono molti suggerimenti e link per approfondire gli argomenti tr...
Read MoreTrovo il corso ben organizzato, gli argomenti fin qui svolti sono spiegati con chiarezza, vi sono molti suggerimenti e link per approfondire gli argomenti trattati ed i test aiutano a memorizzare e a riflettere su quanto esposto.
Read LessVery interesting
Chiara Soriente
This course is very interesting, well built, accurately managed and self motivating. I personally recommend it. I hope I will be able to write down as clearl...
Read MoreThis course is very interesting, well built, accurately managed and self motivating. I personally recommend it. I hope I will be able to write down as clearly as these authors at the Concorso 2020. Fingers crossed.
Read LessConcise and appropriate
rossella pozzi
very well done, a lot of materials to study, reliable tests and Concorso Essay Questions with deep analysis as samples
very well done, a lot of materials to study, reliable tests and Concorso Essay Questions with deep analysis as samples
Read LessReally well done!
Susan Boyd
Great course. A bit too long and detailed in some units but very easy to follow.
Great course. A bit too long and detailed in some units but very easy to follow.
Read Lessprecise
Nadia Nizzetto
The course provides the students with different materials and loads of articles that can enrich your knowledge. Suitable also for teachers "di ruolo".
The course provides the students with different materials and loads of articles that can enrich your knowledge. Suitable also for teachers "di ruolo".
Germana Alfeo
Read LessMeet the team

Expert Teacher Trainer André Hedlund

Expert Teacher Trainer Emma Meade-Flynn

Lead Instructor Chiara Bruzzano
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I preview the courses before I buy them?
Absolutely: we encourage you to enrol in the free previews of the courses, read the introductions and start studying the free units.
What is the price of the courses?
Each course and bundle has a different price: open the course you are interested in and you will find the price on the course page.
Are the course contents updated?
One of the advantages of studying with an online course over a paper resource is that our online courses are constantly updated to keep up with the latest news in the concorsi and in the research literature.
Which course should I choose?
Your choice will depend on what your background is and how much you are already familiar with the concorso topics. We are always happy to help teachers choose the right courses for them individually: just get in touch at [email protected] and we will help you find the course that is right for you so that you can save time and money.
After buying access to a course, when does it become available?
Immediately! As soon as you complete your credit card payment, your course will appear in your "dashboard" and you will be able to start studying.
How long will my course access be available for?
If you buy a course individually, your access will be active 24 hours a day for 2 years from the date of purchase. If you buy our self-study bundle, you can purchase it on a monthly basis (cancel anytime) or for 2 years.
I don't have a credit or debit card: can I pay with a bank transfer?
Yes, you can pay with a bank transfer and we will activate your access manually within 24 working hours. Just email [email protected] to set this up.