Everything in one place
High-quality lessons designed by language education academics based on the latest research, all in the same place. Each unit starts with a summary and continues with expansion tasks and quizzes, so you decide how much to study of each topic.
Free lessons
You can access the first few units for free and read the course introduction, so you can get a sense of what the course looks like and whether it's suitable for you.
24/7 access for 365 days
If you have a job, family commitments or other time constraints, this course is designed to meet your needs: access it whenever you like, 24/7, for a full year from the date of purchase.
100% in English
All of our courses are designed entirely in English by expert course designers, proofread and regularly revised for quality assurance.
Audios, videos, PowerPoints and texts
Not everybody likes to learn in the same way: that is why the course grabs and keeps your attention by alternating videos, audios, PowerPoint presentations, text summaries, quizzes and discussion boards.
Estimated time for completion: 60 hours
Based on feedback from participants, the course can be finished in approximately 60 hours, though this may vary based on your needs and style. When you finish the course, email us to get your certificate of completion!